Sorry it's been a while since my last update. I haven't been taking as many pictures recently, and the work/baby combination takes up quite a bit of time. My schedule's only going to be more packed during the next few weeks, so lower your expectations on posting volume a bit. We've done lots of fun things in the last couple of weeks, but lack of sleep is making them blur together in my brain. A few highlights were a wedding and related activities, visitors with and without other babies, and some quick trips to local restaurants/stores.
Kate's gone from sleeping constantly to having more periods of awake and alert time. Unfortunately, the first of these each day usually comes around 7am. We start putting her to sleep sometime between 8 and 10 each night. She then sleeps for 3-4 hours, and D feeds her before we go to bed (around 1am). Another few hours of sleep is followed by a 4am feeding, then she's back to sleep until 7am. For the last five or six days, she has then woken up and won't go back to sleep. Both of us are completely wiped out by that point (D because of the late-night feedings, me because of the early hour). It results in some half-asleep conversations with the baby, in which we probably make as much sense as she does.
During the day, Kate has been staying awake and interacting much more than before, and sleeping pretty well when it's convenient - like when she's in her car seat while we're out and about. She usually takes a good nap after each feeding, so we can head out as soon as she's done eating and have 3-4 hours of time to work with.
Developmentally, there have been a few advancements, though they're hard to quantify. Her neck muscles are getting a lot stronger, so she can lift her head off our shoulders, turn from side to side, and look around. She's definitely paying more attention to people and making eye contact, and seems to follow us with her eyes when we get up and walk around the room. She still doesn't love tummy time, but she tolerates it, and when we sit her up she gets a lot less grumpy than she used to. We think she's starting to smile, but it's hard to tell the difference between that and the very genuine-looking pseudo-smiles she's given since birth. The pacifier has continued to do wonders, and overall she's a very mellow baby.
There are 17 more pictures on the photo site, and a few below.
Here's the outfit Kate wore to Auntie JJ's wedding. I think her headband looks like a bridal garter, but I don't think the bride minded that she was also wearing white.
Kate's gone from sleeping constantly to having more periods of awake and alert time. Unfortunately, the first of these each day usually comes around 7am. We start putting her to sleep sometime between 8 and 10 each night. She then sleeps for 3-4 hours, and D feeds her before we go to bed (around 1am). Another few hours of sleep is followed by a 4am feeding, then she's back to sleep until 7am. For the last five or six days, she has then woken up and won't go back to sleep. Both of us are completely wiped out by that point (D because of the late-night feedings, me because of the early hour). It results in some half-asleep conversations with the baby, in which we probably make as much sense as she does.
During the day, Kate has been staying awake and interacting much more than before, and sleeping pretty well when it's convenient - like when she's in her car seat while we're out and about. She usually takes a good nap after each feeding, so we can head out as soon as she's done eating and have 3-4 hours of time to work with.
Developmentally, there have been a few advancements, though they're hard to quantify. Her neck muscles are getting a lot stronger, so she can lift her head off our shoulders, turn from side to side, and look around. She's definitely paying more attention to people and making eye contact, and seems to follow us with her eyes when we get up and walk around the room. She still doesn't love tummy time, but she tolerates it, and when we sit her up she gets a lot less grumpy than she used to. We think she's starting to smile, but it's hard to tell the difference between that and the very genuine-looking pseudo-smiles she's given since birth. The pacifier has continued to do wonders, and overall she's a very mellow baby.
There are 17 more pictures on the photo site, and a few below.
Here's the outfit Kate wore to Auntie JJ's wedding. I think her headband looks like a bridal garter, but I don't think the bride minded that she was also wearing white.

When I took this picture, the music was blaring and everyone was dancing up a storm....Kate didn't seem to mind.
This is an odd view, but you can see Kate holding up her head on her own. She looks totally different (mostly skinnier) when we're not holding her up....she actually has a neck!
Kate's trying out her new bows (and loving that pacifier!).
She enjoyed her last bath much more than she had previously. No crying, no fussing....though the pacifier probably helped.