Aug 31, 2007

Still Going

He's still off for now. When I got back after rounds, he had calmed down and they had taken another gas that was much better. His pH was normal and his CO2 was back to "within parameters" (70).

He still isn't waking up without being upset, but he's able to get at least a little sleep. He goes from zero to sixty in a heartbeat, and any little thing sets him off. A respiratory therapist pushed his nasal prongs in a little bit...inconsolable for five minutes.

He's working a little hard to breathe...if he were a normal baby, he'd be working VERY hard. He'll have to either get used to it and stop crying, or risk being reintubated. He currently requires a LOT of attention and patience...when we left, his (great) day nurse took my place, holding his hand and keeping him calm. Let's hope the night nurse (and all others for the next week) are just as kind and patient.

Six and a half hours so far...

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