Sep 24, 2007

Long Day

I left the house at 5:15 this morning and got back home at 9:30 tonight. In between, I drove to LA, worked for 7-something hours, drove back, and then went to the hospital. To give you an idea of how tired I am, I'm going to bed as soon as I finish writing this, around 11pm.

There's not much change to report at the hospital. Andrew's still doing well, though he started to move a bit today. They had to increase his paralytic dosage a bit, but he was still moving while we were there. They may have to increase it again in the next few days.

The surgeons are trying to schedule the procedure on his lung, but first they want to get a bronchoscopy. This involves inserting a small camera down his airway, taking a look at the trachea/bronchus walls on the way down. We're not sure why they need it, but this test isn't difficult and should provide some additional information. It would let them know if he had a floppy airway, another constriction, a weak point in the wall, any scar tissue, etc. I don't think they're expecting any of these to be the case, but we're certainly not complaining about any extra testing before starting an irreversible surgery.

They'll try to do the bronchoscopy later this week....we'll probably know for sure tomorrow. After they finish the bronchoscopy, they'll try to schedule the other surgery.

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