Jul 20, 2009

Big 'Un

We had another doctor's appointment today, and everything is continuing as expected.  The baby is still huge, already weighing in at over 3.5 kilograms (around 7.75 pounds).  That's just an estimate based on various measurements, but I'm guessing it's pretty close.  Let's hope she doesn't continue to grow at the "standard" half-pound per week, since D still has five weeks go to.  We're hoping that she comes naturally so we don't have to induce, and she'll be "fully baked" in the next couple of weeks.

As our friends C&T showed us this week, you never know what's going to happen.....during a routine checkup at 36.5 weeks, their doctor decided that the baby needed to be induced.  That was last Friday.....by Sunday afternoon, they had a healthy baby boy.  Great ending, but D doesn't really want to spend three days in the hospital before delivering.   : )

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