The weekend started on a bad note, though. We left San Diego at 4pm with the expectation that we would pull up at Kelly and Chris' door around 10:45pm. Kate has been battling a cold for a really long time and I was getting a horrible feeling that it was more than just a cold. She cried from the moment we put her in the car until we got on the 8 freeway thirty minutes later. Overall, she was not her smiley self. So, we made a quick stop to get her ears checked out and lo and behold-double ear infection...again! For those of you counting, this will be Kate's second double ear infection since around Christmas. I don't know what we would have done if we hadn't gone to the Dr. and had come to Phoenix with a very unhappy and uncomfortable baby. That stop was a lifesaver!!!!
With pink medicine in hand, we headed out for Phoenix. The second bad note was when Kate coughed so hard that she puked all over herself and her car seat. She was drenched. We pulled over on some deserted off ramp and quickly changed her. When we pulled out, we left with hundreds of little bugs in our car.
The third bad note was when I missed a turn and we had to drive way out of the way to make a u-turn. Finally, though, we were back on track and pulled up at chez Kelly at 12:00am- only slightly behind schedule.
Thus far we have had a really nice time. Kelly and Chris live in a beautiful resort community outside of Phoenix. Their house is lovely and the resort has an amazing new clubhouse that we plan to check out fully tomorrow.
Kate seems to be on the mend and is back to her happy self again. Unfortunately, Cole has been under the weather today which has made the poor little guy unhappy. Hopefully, he feels better tomorrow and can join us as Kate tries out the pool for the first time.
Anyway, back to the title of the post. Kate and Cole have hit it off splendidly and Kate already seems smitten. Cole seems to only have eyes for his mommy right now, but I am sure that will change when he realizes how adorable Kate is. So my master matchmaking plan seems to be working. As you will see below, Kate was fascinated with Cole today. Hopefully, he notices her soon so she doesn't get a complex.

Still, no attention from the heartthrob.

For those of you who love pics of Kate, J has uploaded some new pics in the 6 month album.
I'm sure we will have a ton more after our weekend fun is over and J has some time to upload more.
And, hopefully, our drive home will be less eventful than our drive here.
Also, I am headed to Portland, Oregon on Wednesday with four wonderful journalism students for our annual weekend conference. If you hear soft sobbing coming from the San Diego area, it is J who will be staying home alone with Kate for the first extended period ever. Though I have great faith in his ability to hold down the fort, dealing with a baby alone for five days will be a true test of his daddy skills. I'm sure he will do a great job.
I'm sure we will have a ton more after our weekend fun is over and J has some time to upload more.
And, hopefully, our drive home will be less eventful than our drive here.
Also, I am headed to Portland, Oregon on Wednesday with four wonderful journalism students for our annual weekend conference. If you hear soft sobbing coming from the San Diego area, it is J who will be staying home alone with Kate for the first extended period ever. Though I have great faith in his ability to hold down the fort, dealing with a baby alone for five days will be a true test of his daddy skills. I'm sure he will do a great job.
Nathan is jealous. He thought he had a claim on Kate's heart!
Well, he is a little GU (Geographically undesirable) at the moment. Come back to our time zone and you can make your argument for why Nathan should be Kate's boyfriend. We will have applications. Plus, I think I saw pictorial evidence that Nathan has a girlfriend over there in Japan. He can't have all the girls!
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