Jun 27, 2009


Tomorrow will complete Week 32 of 40.  At our last appointment two weeks ago, the baby was still measuring very large.  The ultrasound is pre-configured to estimate the birth date according to the size of various measurements.  After each reading (head circumference, femur length, etc), a new estimate will appear based on that body part.  The due date estimate based on femur length was August 2, and our actual due date is August 22, so she's almost three weeks larger than normal.  It's also based on a leg length, which hopefully means that she'll be tall!  The doctor may want to induce about a week early, since any longer could reduce the chance of avoiding a C-section.

Everything is still going well.  We had the doctor measure D's amniotic fluid again, since it had been high at our previous ultrasound.  With a normal range of 5-25, it had come up at a 25.8.  Fortunately, this most recent ultrasound showed that it has dropped back down to around 20, which is well within normal parameters.

We've gotten some great clothes and are filling in the age gaps in her wardrobe.  Fortunately (or unfortunately), the local outlet mall has a Baby Gap, a Carter's outlet, and an Osh Kosh B'Gosh outlet.  Those stores are now almost as dangerous as the Coach outlet we have to walk past on the way back to the car.


Tina said...

I can't help but respond to your OB's potential planned management. Inducing before the cervix is ready is actually more likely to result in a C-section than letting a big baby go to term. You'll probably be okay since Danielle's already had a vaginal delivery (and therefore the cervix is likely to be softened and primed earlier), but in my training we *never* induce before the due date for large estimated fetal weight. That being said, I think it is pretty commmon practice in the community. Hopefully she'll go into spontaneous labor before 39 weeks! Christina Jahncke

Tina said...

I'm also worried because our Gadzooks is measuring ~ 2 weeks ago on the latest US. And I already know that Charlie's got a big head . . .

Anonymous said...

Shoot for August 17. It worked out for us!