Jul 29, 2010

Photo shoots

I have been having fun with the camera the last few days and have taken Kate on a few "photo shoots." Here are some of the better shots but you can check out more on our nine month picture page.

I really loved this outfit so I thought we should do an impromptu session in the back yard. Kate loves trying to grab the camera and I shot this right before she got a hold of the lens.

Kate really loves making raspberry noises and this funny face. Somehow I managed to catch her at just the right moment. I love the goofy face.

Today I joined my playgroup at a local park called Jack's Pond Park. It is mainly park as the pond is difficult to get to and a bit far but is adorable nonetheless. The last few weeks have been very cloudy and this picture captures how I felt as the sun finally came out today.

You can't really see her face very well here but I love how concentrated she is on what she has in her hands. She just looks so sweet and ladylike. The sweetness didn't last too long as she threw a fit when I took away the rock she was trying to shove in her mouth, but it was lovely while it lasted.

The park has two red barns around the grounds which make for great backgrounds. I love the pensive look on her face and those gorgeous long eyelashes she got from her daddy.

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