Oct 18, 2007

Our Little Buddha

I thought perhaps I could get away with a skimpy post if I added some pictures...so here they are. Andrew had a good day today, which included spending some time sitting up. He was propped up against his Boppy (U-shaped baby pillow thingy), which made his stomach stick out and his jowls sag.....he looked like our own little Buddha. With his comfortable slouch, he also resembled Al Bundy....all he needed was a big-screen TV, a beer, and a tiny remote. He was in this position for hours, and seemed to enjoy the change of scenery. Everything else is relatively stable, so I'll get right to the good stuff:

He had a much better vantage point from this angle, though he was looking toward a wall.

It also let us get to his level without bending all the way over.

I had another busy work day, but I still got to see him!

Here's another angle, to give some perspective on his position.
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