Aug 27, 2007

Good end to the weekend

Andrew had a good day today. His two hour sprint at 10am went perfectly, and he was pretty happy while we were there. More importantly, all necessary lines are sticking where they should be. He spit up a bit while we were there...still no milk involved, so he's doing okay on the feeds.

He was apparently a little grumpy for the nurse tonight and had a gas that wasn't as great as his recent results, but he was still within parameters. They took another gas after a 10pm sprint (another two hours), and his CO2 (and pH) had gotten better. A diaper change solved a later bit of fussiness. He's having a nice calm night since then.

I suspect they will move to three hour sprints at some point tomorrow, and perhaps increase his feeding volume as well. Before they extubate later this week, they'll probably either try four hour sprints or three sprints a day, just to get him as much practice as possible.

Hope you enjoy the picture.

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