Aug 27, 2007


Sounds like they aren't going to bother putting a new arterial line in. They're starting a sprint right now (hopefully he's awake enough) and they'll only be taking blood gases twice a day. This decision has its positives and negatives.....

  • No delay on his extubation strategy
  • No arterial line means it will be easier to hold him, which we haven't done in a few weeks
  • Fewer gases mean they take less blood, hopefully foregoing the need for future transfusions
  • One less thing to go wrong and cause delays
  • When they do draw blood, it will be through his heel, which is uncomfortable
  • These draws, called "capillary gases," are less accurate
  • No blood pressure reading means less scientific indication of his status
There's still a good chance that another doctor will come on later in the week and decide he needs a new arterial line, but for now the plan continues unchanged.

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