Aug 30, 2009

Still here

Sorry it's been a couple of days since my last post. There hasn't been a whole lot to talk about, and I updated the photo site yesterday, but I know not everyone checks that right away.

I guess the biggest news (if you can call it that) of the last few days is that her umbilical cord fell off on Friday morning. It was a pretty gross stump to begin with, and its appearance wasn't improved by falling off. I think we'll save it, but it won't be a keepsake we pull out to share with family and friends.

When she's not nursing, sometimes she gets a little upset and needs to be pacified. We're not giving her pacifiers yet, so we've been using our (clean) fingers. She enjoys it, but it makes her look a little like a monchichi.

Since we don't really have anywhere to go - and because we've been getting up so darn early - we've been relaxing in bed in the morning. She likes laying with us and on us.

This isn't a great facial expression, but it's a cute outfit.

We've been trying to get out of the house occasionally to keep sane. We've managed to run by a few stores and get lunch in the last couple of days, though our outings are currently limited to three hours.

My paternity leave officially ends tomorrow, but there are still a few things I need to help out with before I go back full time. Tomorrow we're stopping by D's school to meet with her long-term substitute, and then more family is coming into town on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Tina said...

We didn't give Nathan a pacifier at first either while we were struggling with breast feeding. We tried introducing a pacifier about a week ago and he won't take it. He definitely loves to suck on our fingers though!