Sep 11, 2009


We've made a wonderful discovery in the last couple of days.  After a few days of trying a pacifier that worked occasionally but still left us with an occasionally very cranky baby, D tried a different brand.  It seems to have done the trick, and Kate's non-sleeping, non-eating moments have become much more calm.  Pacifier to the rescue!

Other than that, I don't have much to share, as I haven't taken many pictures in the last few days.  I was out all day yesterday at work (in LA and SD) and I've been doing a lot more from home as well.  We had a fun, productive weekend, and now we have more visitors staying at the house (with two more kids!).  It's fun seeing where Kate will be (developmentally) in five months and twenty months, and great to catch up with our friends.  We're looking forward to Kate's first formal event (a wedding!) in just over a week, and a pediatrician's appointment on Thursday for a length/weight update.

Sorry for the lack of excitement....I'll try to take some more pictures this weekend.

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