Sep 14, 2009

Sand Art

I try to avoid writing blog entries that are just links to other sites, especially publicly-available web videos that are being forwarded around like wildfire.  However, I wanted to make an exception for this video, because I haven't seen it making the rounds.  Not only did it open my eyes to the entire concept of sand art, it is also an incredibly (and unexpectedly) moving performance.  It's from Ukraine's version of America's Got Talent, and it's a sand-art interpretation of the invasion of Ukraine by Hitler during World War II.  I know it sounds heavy, but it's really cool.  Here it is.


Lindsay said...

Wow...that was absolutely amazing what she did with the sand. Glad you posted that!!! Loved it so much so I sent it to a bunch of friends. Thanks for sharing!!!

Judy said...

thank you that! I loved it!

Judy said...

Sorry ! Let me try again.....
Thank you for sharing! It is amazing!