Dec 23, 2007

Crazy day

More about Hawaii later.......

We arrived back at LAX at 7:30 this morning and headed to D's mom's house. Willow spent the week there and had been feeling much better on her medication. However, when we arrived she was quite wobbly on her hind legs. By the time we got her to a vet's office, she was dragging them behind her. After an examination that didn't reveal a quickly fixable problem (muscle spasms, etc), they referred us to another pet hospital with additional diagnostic tools and surgeons. After another exam, they recommended immediate surgery.

She came out of surgery about half an hour ago. She had a bulging disc in her back that was pressing on her spinal cord. Though the cord itself looked good (visually), there is no way to tell how much permanent damage she'll have. They successfully cleared out the problematic disc and said the surgery went as well as it could have. We'll know more about how she's doing in the morning.

Needless to say it hasn't been a great day, and this was a really awful way to finish a great getaway. I'll leave it at that for now, and post more when we hear back from the vet in the morning.

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